This is how i got asked to prom. My friend, kim, called me in a panic saying hannah was pissed and she couldn't control her and that i needed to come see her right then. Confused, I got over to Kim's as soon as i could to find hannah throwing a fit saying she was so angry with me that she couldnt even be near me and ran up the street, me being as dumb as i am believe her and fallowed. After a long walk trying to get something out of her as to why she was mad at me... i finally cought on that it was all a joke. So after we got back to kim's they told me to go home, still really confused why they pulled such a pointless joke that was a complete waste of time, i headed home.I then got a text saying "start poppin" which made me even more confused. but i got distracted by the dinner waiting for me at the table and didnt bother trying to decifer what my friends were trying to do. After a while i got a call asking if i went up to my room and of course after like 40 minutes i still hadnt gone up there. So i went to my room and found balloons laying all over my floor and then it clicked, start poppin! Turns out while i was taking a walk with hannah, lane (the boy who asked me) and some other of my frands had gone and put all the balloons in my room. Well i popped all of them and there was nothing... at that point i was sooo confused. hahah well ashley and kim accidently popped the most important balloon of them all before any of them were even put in my room! It had the note in it saying prom?
Plan B: they wrote it on Lanes stomache instead bahaaha.
p.s. we didnt get a picture so this one will just have to do :)
And this is how daners asked shpanna to prom! I helped him set it up at lunch one day. Later after school savannah opened her door and immedietly saw "dane" just chillin on her bed so her first reaction was to screem and collapse to the groud. It was priceless.
These are three of my bestest friends! kimith, brooks, and kyle.
Friday night a bunch of us drove out to pullman to go to zeppoz. Yeah we didnt bowl, we just played games and left. classy i know.
EASTER EASTER EASTER! I watched aloottt of harry potter and ate many foods.
Oh, the food i ate that day...
Jackson and brooklyn
Take note to Brookie's pajamas. She purposly mixmatches for some reason none of us understand. new fashion statement maybe?