Sooooo my schools, Sadie Hawkins dance is next week and im asking this boy (sounds ackward) i've been hanging out with for the past couple weeks. I stayed up till amost 1 last night configuring some clever way to ask him. I want it to be good, therefor i thought "well hey, google always has the answer!" so I search on google and everything i read was was either, "Boys dont need to be impressed by being asked to a dance in a fancy way, they simply just want to be looked in the eyes and asked, will you go to (blank) with me?" (soooo tacky) or "last month, i asked my boyfriend to our school dance by puting balloons and a cute homemade sign on his pick up, to see when he got done with basketball pratice" (soooo boring!). Clearly google did not help me, what so ever. So i then decided that with as much wittyness i had, i was going to do this one on my own! After an hour or two of stairing at the ceiling blankly, it just so happens i thought of the movie, Tangled (which by the way was so dang adorable!) and it gave me a wonderous idea! first off i'd just like to say how proud i am of myself for thinking of this all on my own. Stuff like this with Madi Criner, does not happen very often, it should be put in the books or somethin. just sayin.
"Out of all the Froggy's...
Waiting for a kiss...
I wanted to ask you...
If you would be my Prince"
Each Frog is gonna go to a different class and with each one
there will a be a peice of the phrase asking him to go with me.
This is the last Frog hes gonna get (hense the crown!)
If you havn't seen the notebook, i strongly reccomend you do. It is, without a doubt, my favorite movie. i love everything and anything about it. I could watch it over and over and over again and never get sick of it. Then again, i dont see how you could get sick of it (maybe thats just me but we all have our opinions).
This movie makes me want to cry everytime and depending on my mood i will cry, as weird as that may sound. It makes me think about alot of stuff, maybe thats just becuase im a real (emotional, if you will-but i guess not in a bad way if you get what i mean) heart-felt kinda person. Theres just some things i cant let go of and as much as it hurts me, i like to be reminded of those memories and watching movies like the notebook, or listening to certain songs, even reading a good romance can do that for me.
I also really love the time setting that the notebook was based in. i love the music, the cars and errthang about it! Allie's cute little outfits, the bright red lipstick, hair styles, jewelry, the whole shabang! Plus i lovelovelove Rachel McAdams, she is my favorite actress. by far.
i do also love Ryan Gosling, not my all time favorite actor (though he is up at the top) but i do very much admire him and his cuteness.
I want my life to be the notebook. Everything about it just makes me all gitty with joy inside.
I think its time i go watch it now while enjoying myself my cozy bed and pizzabreakfast. mmmmm.
I dont know what it is with country music but i love it. It always seems to either make me cry or make me smile.
Reason number one why i like country music, oh so much: Each song has its own unforgetable memories behind it. They make me miss those times i always want to remember and the people who will always be in my heart.
Reason number two: unlike most rap/hiphop songs, its not all about the sex. i mean come on people, we've heard enough of it! Dont get me wrong though! I do listen to alot of hiphop, if you will. I also listen to alot of stuff that i dont know the name of, like genre wise. Weird/hippy(ish) music... i guess... shoot! i dont know what the heck it's called!
This weekend consumed of everything good and bad. both? may you ask, well its simple as that. I discovered what makes me happy and what doesn't. I was talking to my friend, brooke, and she said something to me that got me thinkin a little bit. She told me that, there are stepping stones in life and if something doesnt work out atleast you know it was a step closer to what your accually looking for. (thats kinda exadurated to what she said but i though i'd add a little somethin) i have experienced yet my first stepping stone! And it was a glorious moment when i relized this.
"This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends, they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And babe, I hate to say it, most of them, actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up becuase if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna f...ail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about." -Marilyn Monroe
Life is to short to have regrets, so love the people who treat you right and forget the ones who don't. Believe that everything happens for a reason and if you get a chance take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
First off, i'd just like to say im terribly sorry for what a horribble, horrible blogger i am. I never have time to sit and meritouriously think about what im writing. It takes precious time and i dont always have that. For instance... I've procastinated to the point where as soon i got home from school yesterday, sat down on the computer and searched thoroughly through every site possible on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Im not gonna lie i learned quite alot but sittin and starin at a computer screen for, i dont know a good 4 and a 1/2 hours can NOT be good for you. nope nope nope. And by the time i was all finished, my head was pounding and i was ready to crash. But NOPE(!) guess what, i still had my spanish workbook to do and on top of that i needed to take a shower, get ready for bed and get my outfit picked out for tomorrow.
Your probably thinking, wow this girl is weird... she picks out her outfit everynight before she goes to bed? Is she really that un-timely? The answer is yes! I am so un-timely that even waking up at 6:30, giving me about an hour and 1/2 to get ready, i still dont get to school on time and if i do im cuttin it pretty dang close. I have had my fair share of fashion crisis's therfor i decided i'd just make it all easier and plan ahead. Though Im not much of a plann-er ahead-er kinda person. But i do most of time, manage to get everything set and ready for the mornin.
Well needless to say, all of what i've blabbed on about so far is not at all what i was planning on writing. I just kinda got into the story and couldnt hold back. My apologies.
so here we go.... (this must be said in a kinda, black preacher(ish) voice) This is for all you the broken hearted ladies out there. Left without a soul mate, like a lone cowboy in the desert. There aint no need to dwell on whats already gone, its time think of whats ahead and thats why im here to tell you, Isssss all good, and it aint no thang! We've all been there many times before, its not the first or the last but for now you just gotta live it up while you can. Have youself a good 'ol time and forget about those who are wastin your time. Can i get a hallelujah!? AAAMEN.
:) "To me fearless is not the absence of fear. it's not being completely unafraid. to me, fearless is having fears. fearless is having doubts. lots of them. to me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. fearless is falling madly in love again, even though you've been hurt before. fearless is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again..even though every time you've tried before, you've lost. it's fearless to have faith that someday things will change. fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can't breathe without them. i think it's fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he's in love with someone else. and when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they'll never stop doing, i think its fearless to stop believing them. its fearless to say "you're NOT sorry," and walk away. i think loving someone despite what people think is fearless. i think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is fearless. letting go is fearless. then, moving on and being alright..that's fearless too. but no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. you have to believe in love stories and happily ever after. love is fearless."
If there's one thing that every American has in common, it's not fallowing through with their new years resolution. Well that and eating mcdounalds.
Now first off, just for the record, i havent eatin micky d's in a good month or so. maybe. Accually i take that back, i possibly had it 2 weeks ago BUT only becuase Savannah and Kim made me. Though other then that, i am a proud, non-chubby, mcdounalds free American!Well, anyways back to resolution talk. I cant seem to remeber my new years resolution of 2010, which got me thinking and has inspired me to make one this year that i WILL stick with and WON'T forget about.
So new years eve comes along aaannddd i have no resolution, january 1st no resolution, january 2nd no resolution, january 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th, 7th no reolution.
It is now January 8th and after unexpectedly waking up this morning to an unexpected song, it hit me. Im gonna memorize the lyrics to "bust a move" sound wierd? perhaps, but just think about it, everytime that song comes on (which is never but you know in a rare occasion), I could be that girl that raps the whole song while everyone stares at her with oooo's and aaawwhhh's.
So far i've got down, well the first couple lines and some here and there in the middle. And to help me memorize it, i've put it on my "workout playlist" Yes, i do have a workout play list. Pump up music is always needed. Especially when your out of shape and you need some extra motivating to drown out the thought of delicous, mouth watering food waiting for you in the kitchen.
Which leads to my second resolution! This one is gonna be tough but i might, just might be able to do it. I thought deeply about cutting icecream out of my life completely, well just untill i get rid of my little (not so flattering) pooch, but then i reasoned with myself and said i'd work out everyday and only have icecream once.... twice....maybe three..... times a week.
Ghetto booty X10000000000 I think i'll cut down on my icream. Im gonna go pump some iron now.
I've been thinking rather hard as how to go about this whole blogging deal, how to start my first post, what do i write about and blah blah blah! But honestly, i think i've thought, well too hard. So im just gonna cut the crap and get to my point, maybe tell you a little bit about myself, how i live life and what i enjoy in life itself!
Well first off! My name is Madi Criner. Im (recently) 16 years of age, and livin in good ol' Moscow, Idaho. I am most definently a small town girl nonetheless it would be nice to atleast have some convienent places near but thats besides the point. I guess you could say, its always a "treat" to go to boise, spokane, cda, somewhere close and of the sort just to go shopping and eat at a resturaunt you haven't already been to 5 times in the last month. but aside of all that, i love moscow, and all the little things and people that come with it, lemme show you what i mean...
These are my "acceptionally annoying" siblings, if you will.
Im on the far left and Jackson is the little pip-squeek sitting next to me. Brooklyn (the other youngen) is his twin seeester. These two are my favorite little 6-year olds. ever. And even though they may drive me bonkers and always whine and throw fits that are so unnessecary, its ridiculous, they make me happier then anything. Everthing they do makes laugh and love them just that much more. And last but not least... The weird lookin one on the end. We call him Cal. He's like every other little brother in the world. Always trying to annoy me, tease me, antagonize me. You know, what most little siblings do. But he's always there for me, and is proud to call me his big sister. We have our ups and downs but hes a great brother and im proud to say it ;)
Oh and dont forget about the dog, her names casey
but we call her "rat dog" classy, i know
Lemme tell you 'bout my best friend spanna ;)
Well her name isn't spanna its Savannah accually. You see when brookie was just a wee little wipper-snapper, she could never say, Savannah it was always, Spanna. And after a while my dad caught onto this, and started calling her spanna and before you know it my whole family was calling her Spanna and then me including all our friends were calling her spanna. Then everyone else we knew called her spanna. It's kinda funny how things work like that, but anyways! Savannah is my bestestestest friend, she's like my sister pretty much. We are two totally different people but when it all comes down to it, we know eachother best. Im never gonna forget the first time i saw her, you may not think its all that humerious but to me it is. So i'll do both me and you a favor by just not spending precious time to tell you, me by not boring you and you, so you dont get bored.
This would be kimith.
Probably the weirdest, clumsyest, forgetfulest (if thats even a word), hungryest, imperfectionest i know. But dispite of all that, thats why i call her my best friend. Kim and savannah are the two people i know i can trust with my life, though i dont think i'd in any way, shape or form just give my life away to someone like that, though thats irrelevant. Back to my point, i love kim and all the little imperfections that come with her.
Lee Bear
My precious little church girl, always givin me advice and cleaning up after my messy self. It's almost like shes my mom hahah
one question: is it true, that as writer, you're not supose to laugh at your own jokes? what if its just incredibly funny and cant help but be laughed about? something to think about...
I love aaliyah to death, Shes so beautiful and so is her voice. Its like the sweet sound of well everything sweet.