Sooooo my schools, Sadie Hawkins dance is next week and im asking this boy (sounds ackward) i've been hanging out with for the past couple weeks. I stayed up till amost 1 last night configuring some clever way to ask him. I want it to be good, therefor i thought "well hey, google always has the answer!" so I search on google and everything i read was was either, "Boys dont need to be impressed by being asked to a dance in a fancy way, they simply just want to be looked in the eyes and asked, will you go to (blank) with me?" (soooo tacky) or "last month, i asked my boyfriend to our school dance by puting balloons and a cute homemade sign on his pick up, to see when he got done with basketball pratice" (soooo boring!). Clearly google did not help me, what so ever. So i then decided that with as much wittyness i had, i was going to do this one on my own! After an hour or two of stairing at the ceiling blankly, it just so happens i thought of the movie, Tangled (which by the way was so dang adorable!) and it gave me a wonderous idea! first off i'd just like to say how proud i am of myself for thinking of this all on my own. Stuff like this with Madi Criner, does not happen very often, it should be put in the books or somethin. just sayin.

"Out of all the Froggy's...
Waiting for a kiss...
I wanted to ask you...
If you would be my Prince"
Each Frog is gonna go to a different class and with each one
there will a be a peice of the phrase asking him to go with me.
This is the last Frog hes gonna get (hense the crown!)
Tookes feelin' all artistic ;)
She named her Painting "Splat"
Lets hope the Answer is a yes!?
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