I've been thinking rather hard as how to go about this whole blogging deal, how to start my first post, what do i write about and blah blah blah! But honestly, i think i've thought, well too hard. So im just gonna cut the crap and get to my point, maybe tell you a little bit about myself, how i live life and what i enjoy in life itself!
Well first off! My name is Madi Criner. Im (recently) 16 years of age, and livin in good ol' Moscow, Idaho. I am most definently a small town girl nonetheless it would be nice to atleast have some convienent places near but thats besides the point. I guess you could say, its always a "treat" to go to boise, spokane, cda, somewhere close and of the sort just to go shopping and eat at a resturaunt you haven't already been to 5 times in the last month. but aside of all that, i love moscow, and all the little things and people that come with it, lemme show you what i mean...
These are my "acceptionally annoying" siblings, if you will.
Im on the far left and Jackson is the little pip-squeek sitting next to me. Brooklyn (the other youngen) is his twin seeester. These two are my favorite little 6-year olds. ever. And even though they may drive me bonkers and always whine and throw fits that are so unnessecary, its ridiculous, they make me happier then anything. Everthing they do makes laugh and love them just that much more. And last but not least... The weird lookin one on the end. We call him Cal. He's like every other little brother in the world. Always trying to annoy me, tease me, antagonize me. You know, what most little siblings do. But he's always there for me, and is proud to call me his big sister. We have our ups and downs but hes a great brother and im proud to say it ;)
Oh and dont forget about the dog, her names casey
but we call her "rat dog" classy, i know
Well her name isn't spanna its Savannah accually. You see when brookie was just a wee little wipper-snapper, she could never say, Savannah it was always, Spanna. And after a while my dad caught onto this, and started calling her spanna and before you know it my whole family was calling her Spanna and then me including all our friends were calling her spanna. Then everyone else we knew called her spanna. It's kinda funny how things work like that, but anyways! Savannah is my bestestestest friend, she's like my sister pretty much. We are two totally different people but when it all comes down to it, we know eachother best. Im never gonna forget the first time i saw her, you may not think its all that humerious but to me it is. So i'll do both me and you a favor by just not spending precious time to tell you, me by not boring you and you, so you dont get bored.
Probably the weirdest, clumsyest, forgetfulest (if thats even a word), hungryest, imperfectionest i know. But dispite of all that, thats why i call her my best friend. Kim and savannah are the two people i know i can trust with my life, though i dont think i'd in any way, shape or form just give my life away to someone like that, though thats irrelevant. Back to my point, i love kim and all the little imperfections that come with her.
Lee Bear
My precious little church girl, always givin me advice and cleaning up after my messy self. It's almost like shes my mom hahah
one question: is it true, that as writer, you're not supose to laugh at your own jokes? what if its just incredibly funny and cant help but be laughed about? something to think about...
I love aaliyah to death, Shes so beautiful and so is her voice. Its like the sweet sound of well everything sweet.
And here's the rest of the crew!
"attempt" the john wall
Hope ya'all enjoyed! :)
thats was a dreadfully long, first post...
maybe shorten it all up next time? naaahh
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